Feng Shui, the study of the ancient Chinese art of placement, has been practiced for over 3,000 years in China. The growing popularity of this environmental art and science results in extraordinary effects on people, including rewarding relationships, new career opportunities, improved health and an increase in happiness and prosperity! Join this informative, interactive and […]
Bring your decks! Beginner, Moderate and Advanced Tarot Readers ALL welcome to practice with one another and sharpen their reading and spiritual connecting abilities -- and gel with like minds. Call (404)255-5207 to Register, or Sign-Up In-Store.
Pagans In Recovery is a 12 Step/12 Tradition fellowship based on the example pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. We seek no controversy or conflict. Pagans In Recovery seeks to create a place, within the recovery community, for those who worship more than one God and whose spirituality may include magical practices. We are not directly allied […]
We encourage poets of all ages to join us. The 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm hour features family-friendly material: Bring your children, grandchildren, or grandmother. The tone shifts from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm for more adult-themed topics. All are welcome, including performers and spectators. Join us on the 3rd Friday of each month. Please […]
Join us as we connect with our loved ones who have crossed over and say a very big Hello! Let them bring Joy and Sparkle to your hearts when you really need it, just as if they had never left! Please join us for these special moments with our loved ones who’ve crossed over. It […]
Our Ancestors knew that Plants had mysterious, magical powers and this class will teach you how to put your pantry to good use! In this class, you'll make your own magical blend for any specific wish that you have- take it home to use as a floor wash to cleanse your home, in a spiritual bath […]