
Books & Gifts Celebrating the Human Spirit

Books & Gifts Celebrating the Human Spirit


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Change Your Interiors, Change Your Life with Feng Shui with Roberta Grant

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Feng Shui, the study of the ancient Chinese art of placement, has been practiced for over 3,000 years in China. The growing popularity of this environmental art and science results in extraordinary effects on people, including rewarding relationships, new career opportunities, improved health and an increase in happiness and prosperity! Join this informative, interactive and […]


Get Unstuck! A Workshop To Make Shift Happen w/ Allynn Taylor

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Are you ready to get yourself unstuck and make shift happen? Do you feel stuck in one or more areas in your life? Are you lacking clarity and direction? Do you crave more meaning and fulfillment in your life, but just not sure how to achieve it? If so, this workshop is for you. Join […]


Becoming Wild, Willing, and Wise: An Afternoon with HeatherAsh Amara

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Join bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore to celebrate and share the release of her newest book Wild, Willing, and Wise. A contemporary re-imagining of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes, HeatherAsh's latest book is a revolutionary, interactive guide that playfully explores the energies that make up the flow of our lives. […]

Event Series Pagans In Recovery

Pagans In Recovery

Annex South 5505 Roswell Rd NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Pagans In Recovery is a 12 Step/12 Tradition fellowship based on the example pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. We seek no controversy or conflict. Pagans In Recovery seeks to create a place, within the recovery community, for those who worship more than one God and whose spirituality may include magical practices. We are not directly allied […]

Event Series Poetry Open Mic Night

Poetry Open Mic Night

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

We encourage poets of all ages to join us. The 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm hour features family-friendly material: Bring your children, grandchildren, or grandmother. The tone shifts from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm for more adult-themed topics. All are welcome, including performers and spectators. Join us on the 3rd Friday of each month. Please […]


Liberation Lounge: Unleash Your Divine Feminine Fire!

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Get ready for Liberation Lounge: Unleash Your Divine Feminine Fire - a powerful event celebrating women's sovereignty. Welcome to Liberation Lounge: Unleash Your Divine Feminine Fire! Join us at Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore for a transformative event where you can connect with your inner power and embrace your divine feminine energy. Dive deep into workshops, […]

Event Series Psychic Tarot with Micel Enriquez

Psychic Tarot with Micel Enriquez

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

We will go more into depth about how to interpret the meanings of the cards and incorporate your own feelings and intuition with the context of the cards. You will learn grounding techniques, psychic protection and how to clear your energy while getting directly in touch with guides, angels and spirits that come forth and […]

Event Series Aura Photography with The AuraWeaver

Aura Photography with AuraWeaver

Gallery 5531 ROSWELL RD NE, ATLANTA, GA, United States

AuraWeaver is a specialty photography experience company. Clients receive an aura photo of themselves surrounded by their colorful energy and an interpretation of their photo by our readers. WHAT IS AN AURA YOU ASK?! The Aura is a physical representation of your Astral body through color. Through biofeedback technology, you will have a chance to […]
