Join us this Valentine’s day for an intimate expose highlighting a soul called John Valentine. Come explore an alternative modality for Valentine’s day and embrace the healing of self-love.
John will be holding an open healing space, reading select poems from his new poetic memoir, Revelation, answering questions and perhaps a song by flute – you never know, he’s weird.
We encourage poets of all ages to join us.
The 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm hour features family-friendly material: Bring your children, grandchildren, or grandmother.
The tone shifts from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm for more adult-themed topics.
All are welcome, including performers and spectators. We are looking forward to seeing you there, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Join us on the 3rd Friday of each month.
Please call 404-255- 5207 to RSVP.